EJRS Viewpoints - Jeremy Rizal S Founder, EJRS Networking

Life is Fragile


Life is fragile
Have a smashing time!
© 2005
Jeremy Rizal S.

An Apple A Day


An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Think again - with the use of pesticides and chemicals, and genetic manipulaton, who knows what will become of apples of the future. People could get sick eating them.
The new quote will thus be:
An apple a day keeps you in the doctor's sick bay.

© Jeremy Rizal S.

Hurricane Taglines


Coming soon to a town near you
Gonna hit you where you live
Ready or not here i come
Gonna have a smashing time
This will blow ya away
Jeremy Rizal S.

A Crying Shame


What a life we live if we embrace violence on tv
and fight public affection.
Jeremy Rizal S.



Character is built by embracing adversity for a moment...
then letting go of its grasp and moving on bravely.
Adversity will follow you, and at times overtake you.
Still you must trudge on.
Jeremy Rizal S.



Anger and angst are emotions which are part and parcel of life and it's ok to have those emotions. It's how you deal with those emotions that will make or break you.
© 2005
Jeremy Rizal S.

Fountain of Youth


I think I stumbled upon the Fountain of Youth...
So now I look younger than my age.
The problem is, I must have hit my head while while stumbling upon it,
Because I sure can't recall where it's at.
Jeremy Rizal S.

About me

  • I'm Foodie Vloggie
  • From
  • I am a foodie, and love not just biting into succulent food but love having friends over and making them my guinea pigs. So far so good I guess. I am very experimental when it comes to food and love trying to make original foods without the use of recipes so I have fully original creations, wherever possible. I hope you love the pics and videos too.
  • My profile

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